Since rose day to valentine's day, Cupid ( God of love ) not only let the people engage in love lives wholly but also influences the people financially. Yes, buying bouquet of roses to booking meals at grandeur restaurants involves pains of penny.
We stress upon doing things to make someone special so much that we forget what especiality is left in the end. Taking efforts to bring smile on someone's face and exploring their likes and dislikes in order to buy stuffs accordingly is great but does these efforts are limited to valentine's weak?
Valentine's weak involves the following categories of the people :
People who follows their hearts.
People who follows the trend.
People who follows likings of their partners.
People who just swipe up the stories of valentine's posts.
Let's know about the people who follows their hearts. Their full faith relies on their feelings and heart. They think of this weak to be best opportunity to open up their hearts, or do the things what their hearts desires. Read More